When the space station is being attacked by ghosts. You rushed to your ship as asteroids are being pleated at your home.  The only energy you have to power your ship is nine-inch nails. While the alarms are going off you get to pick your fuel cell to try and outrun the ghosts 

 the core game features  going through the spaceships tunnels walkways ramps and quarter pieces and trying to find a safety area or a area where the ship is not being bombarded by a crap ton of asteroids many of the features that are within the game are all fixed to the one area and also are allowing the player to real am I guess the experience over and over again but with a different asteroid section

Ghosts I–IV
Studio album by Nine Inch Nails



Install instructions

Download & Install Instructions

1. Download .zip file

2. Extract into desired folder

3. Run .exe

Have fun :)

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